This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32336465 places and counting.
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Thai Phien high school,
hongt (guest)
17 years ago:
Nguyễn Anh Tuấn. 91-94: B5 B5 A10. Chào các bạn!
Hải An,
Mick (guest)
17 years ago:
Nice place, nice city, nice people, it is being developed and the way it is growing in 5 years you won't be able to recognize it. I have nothing but good memories from this place.
Tran Hung Dao highschool,
Pham Huu Chi (guest)
17 years ago:
Dem nay buon qua. Nho nha xem lai nha va ngoi truong cap 3 cua minh. Ai len thi lien lac voi minh qua SDT 01223287628 nhe. MInh hoc BK93-k52 Dai hoc BK. Nhung nguoi dong mon, hy vong cac ban co nhung giac ngu ngon.
Hải An,
Andy Nguyen (guest)
17 years ago:
This is for all peoples to study the lands, not for your advertisment for your shelf!!!! Do not use this page for bad purpose! you're stupid!!!!!!!
Kien An Airport,
quantk5Lc (guest)
17 years ago:
uh Sao ko co cai may bay nao nhi?
Haha!Xin chao!Ta dang den day!!
Le Chan District,
Nguyen (guest)
17 years ago:
nha tui dau?
Ngo Quyen District,
nhatoi (guest)
17 years ago:
van my
Ngo Quyen District,
ntlptlaye (guest)
17 years ago:
tim thay nha roi
Le Chan District,
BàXãNumber1 (guest)
17 years ago:
nhà Number1 ở Gần Chợ Hàng :D
Stadium lTan Duong,
Quynh (guest)
17 years ago:
Nha minh day rui thank
Binh Bridge,
Quynh (guest)
17 years ago:
Very important hehe! Thanks and loves
THPT Kiến An,
tungph (guest)
17 years ago:
My friend's been learning here.!
Trường Trung Cấp Xây Dựng,
Tuan (guest)
17 years ago:
Trường Trung Cấp Xây Dựng
THPT Kiến An,
Tuan (guest)
17 years ago:
Minh hoc cap 3 o day ne!!!
Vũ Minh Restaurant 183-184 Quang Trung ,
Tuan (guest)
17 years ago:
Moi cac bac den nha hang co chat luong tot nhat tai HP!!!
Tran Nguyen Han High School,
van (guest)
17 years ago:
truong cua toi cua nhung nam 1978-1981
Thai Phien high school,
robinhood (guest)
17 years ago:
speak english
Do Son Casino,
bhsp (guest)
17 years ago:
Mình cũng có vài triệu tiền việt muốn vào đây có được không nhỉ
Hai Phong recent comments: