
This site is created using Wikimapia data. Wikimapia is an open-content collaborative map project contributed by volunteers around the world. It contains information about 32336465 places and counting. Learn more about Wikimapia and cityguides.

Hai Phong recent comments:

  • Hải An, dotrankimthu (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Hey, it is my hometown, I miss it.
  • Thai Phien high school, hongt (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Nguyễn Anh Tuấn. 91-94: B5 B5 A10. Chào các bạn!
  • Hải An, Mick (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Nice place, nice city, nice people, it is being developed and the way it is growing in 5 years you won't be able to recognize it. I have nothing but good memories from this place.
  • Tran Hung Dao highschool, Pham Huu Chi (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Dem nay buon qua. Nho nha xem lai nha va ngoi truong cap 3 cua minh. Ai len thi lien lac voi minh qua SDT 01223287628 nhe. MInh hoc BK93-k52 Dai hoc BK. Nhung nguoi dong mon, hy vong cac ban co nhung giac ngu ngon.
  • Hải An, Andy Nguyen (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    This is for all peoples to study the lands, not for your advertisment for your shelf!!!! Do not use this page for bad purpose! you're stupid!!!!!!!
  • Kien An Airport, quantk5Lc (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    uh Sao ko co cai may bay nao nhi? Haha!Xin chao!Ta dang den day!!
  • Le Chan District, Nguyen (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    nha tui dau?
  • Ngo Quyen District, nhatoi (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    van my
  • Ngo Quyen District, ntlptlaye (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    tim thay nha roi
  • Le Chan District, BàXãNumber1 (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    nhà Number1 ở Gần Chợ Hàng :D
  • Stadium lTan Duong, Quynh (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Nha minh day rui thank
  • Binh Bridge, Quynh (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Very important hehe! Thanks and loves
  • THPT Kiến An, tungph (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    My friend's been learning here.!
  • Trường Trung Cấp Xây Dựng, Tuan (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Trường Trung Cấp Xây Dựng
  • THPT Kiến An, Tuan (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Minh hoc cap 3 o day ne!!!
  • Vũ Minh Restaurant 183-184 Quang Trung , Tuan (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Moi cac bac den nha hang co chat luong tot nhat tai HP!!!
  • Tran Nguyen Han High School, van (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    truong cua toi cua nhung nam 1978-1981
  • Thai Phien high school, robinhood (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    speak english
  • Do Son Casino, bhsp (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    Mình cũng có vài triệu tiền việt muốn vào đây có được không nhỉ
  • Le Chan District, aka (guest) wrote 17 years ago:
    So 242 Hang Kenh day